
Registered nurse (B.Cur UP) assisting with Antenatal and Prenatal classes and First Aid for your new family member

Our Services

Postnatal Classes

Classes last for 8 weeks. Topics covered include, among others: Solid food introduction, Milestone development, Tooth development, and the Digestive system.

Antenatal Classes

You can earn 2500 Vitality points on your Discovery plan when attending the course.

Fax or email the invoice to Discovery to claim the points.

First Aid

The course is offered to parents or prospective parents and covers basic emergency response in an emergency situation, including CPR.

Baby Care

A one-day course for baby caregivers/nannies is offered every 6 – 8 weeks.

Baby Massage

Massage helps to form a bond between baby and parent. It has been proven that babies who are massaged are calmer, sleep better, and have improved circulation.

Private Consultations

We discuss breastfeeding, nutrition, milestone development, or any other aspect that the parent may be concerned about and provide advice.

About Us

The mission of Karien Camphor is to ensure that all prospective parents and parents with children will feel that they will be well-prepared here and will obtain the necessary information to one day send an emotionally mature and happy child into the world.
Offering Antenatal and Postnatal classes
Baby care classes
First Aid

Our focus

The mission of Karien Camphor is to ensure that all prospective parents and parents with children will feel that they will be well-prepared here and will obtain the necessary information to one day send an emotionally mature and happy child into the world.

Antenatal Classes

Postnatal Classes

First Aid


"Karien is in my (en my man se oë), ons "hero". Van dag 1 af het sy ons vertroue gewen! Met elke voorgeboorteklas het ons meer en meer "bekwaam" gevoel. Let wel - gevoel; nie gewees nie. Die nageboorte klasse het daardie "leemte" gevul. My notaboek van die voor en nageboorte klasse het soos 'n tweede bybel geraak; eers saam kraam kamer toe, dan op die bedkassie elke aand, en later byderhand genoeg vir wanneer ek nie weet nie."

Ilse van Nieuwenhuizen

"Karien se voorgeboorteklasse is 'n waardevolle leerervaring wat beide ouers met die nodige kennis toerus om die uitdagende taak van ouerskap met 'n bietjie meer selfvertroue aan te pak. Relevante onderwerpe word bespreek wat beide ouers betrek en laat deel in die swangerskap."

Melissa Boshoff

"As 'n eerste keer mamma kan alles omtrent 'n nuwe babatjie nogal oorweldigend wees, van die seep waarmee die baba gewas word tot die tipe boudjiesalf wat jy moet gebruik. Hoe weet 'n nuwe mamma al die goed? Gelukkig is daar iemand soos Karien Camphor, sy raak deel van die grootmaak van jou kind - sy help jou met alles van borsvoed tot die tipe vaste kos wat jy jou kind moet gee. Mens stap 'n pad saam met Karien."

Madelaine van der Walt

Helphing new parents to better understand and prepare for your newborn.  

What are Antenatal classes?

Antenatal classes, also known as parent education classes, help prepare people for labor, birth, and caring for their new baby. They can cover topics such as:


  • Getting ready for pregnancy
  • Support methods and choices during labor and birth
  • Preparing for the new baby
  • How to look after and feed the baby
  • Staying healthy during pregnancy
  • Making a birth plan

You can earn 2500 Vitality points on your Discovery plan when attending the course.

What are Prenatal classes?
Attendance of the course starts when your baby is two weeks old.

Classes last for 8 weeks. Topics covered include, among others: Solid food introduction, Milestone development, Tooth development, and the Digestive system.

First Aid Course

The course is offered to parents or prospective parents and covers basic emergency response in an emergency situation, including CPR.

Baby Care Course

A one-day course for baby caregivers/nannies is offered every 6 – 8 weeks.

Why not purchase our classes online and watch them in the comfort of your home

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri 8am – 4pm

Saturday | CLOSED

Sunday| CLOSED

Public Holiday | CLOSED

Talk to us today

+27 12 991 1111


234 Arizona Cres, Faerie Glen, Pretoria,  0043